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Saturday 30 November 2024

with the Dulwich Choral Society

Fanny Mendelssohn Overture in C
Brahms Schiksalslied (Song of Destiny)
Beethoven Choral Fantasy Op 80
      soloist Adam Heron
Fauré Requiem



Conductors  Chris Stark and William Vann
Performance begins at 7.30pm

Venue: All Saints West Dulwich, Lovelace Road, London, SE21 8JY


Future concerts

29 March 2025
Sibelius Pan and Echo
Holst Symphony no 8
Brahms Symphony no 2

28 June 2025
Elfrida Andrée Concert Overture
Dvorak Cello Concerto
Schumann Symphony no 2



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Copyright © 2024 Dulwich Symphony Orchestra